Friday, December 2, 2011

Home Stretch!

So today is my last day of classes then I only need to worry about finals (Yay!) but studying for finals is a daunting task, that usually does not go so well for me, but NOT this semester! I'm getting organized and setting goals, to avoid wasted time and maximize learning. here are those goals in a nut shell.

Today: finish exam review for section one of math final, Work on written final for marketing, Go over assignment for communications

Saturday: finish sections two and three of math, Finish written final for marketing, and begin work on Entrepreneurship final

Sunday: proof read marketing final and submit, go to math review and go over trouble sections, and continue work on Ent final.

Monday: study for math final/take math final, com final assignment, reward myself with televison after its all done!

Tuesday/Wednesday: work/present Ent final then celebrate my great success with friends!

those are my finals goals now that they are written down I know it will be easier to stick to them. I will give updates on my progress.


1 comment:

  1. Great goals Bethany. Putting them down in writing helps you to keep yourself accountable for them. Part of it is that you know we are going to read it and will expect to hear about your accomplishments. It is a kind of pressure that yields results.

    Just like Reed Konsler said "My belief is that personal freedom cannot grow beyond personal responsibility. The more people that learn to be fully accountable for their lives, the more freedom each of us can enjoy and the more fulfilling all of our lives will be."

    Besides that, accomplishing your goals brings great deal of happiness and pride in your own work and your ability to manage you time wisely.


Be cool. We're experimenting, learning, growing. We don't need haters. Constructive ideas or questions are always welcome!