Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Keep moving!

As school and life start to really pick up I'm finding the need to become incerasingly organized. One way I'm doing this is by planning my day ahead of time using my fun new white board. (Sorry that the quality is not great but I have but 0ne overhead light in my room.)

As the day goes by I'm planning on staying on track by checking off what I do when I do it. I'm hoping this visual reminder will keep me on track for my day.

So why put it on a white board? Well I have spent plenty of time scheduling my day in my head but in the morning or even through the day its easy to forget what I was going to do...or with no judging board just blow it off. Tomorrow I will post a picture with hopefully a lot of check marks to prove this plan a success.

so until then my friends stay productive and happy.



  1. Awesome board Bethany, and awesome plans as well. I started making lists in India, and I'm trying to carry it over into my school life. I also use a ridiculous amount of sticky notes, and so far its working for me, good luck to you!!

  2. Thanks dear me too! Well see how tomorrow goes :) good luck with your lists!


Be cool. We're experimenting, learning, growing. We don't need haters. Constructive ideas or questions are always welcome!