Tuesday, November 1, 2011

God I'm Tired.

In pushing toward my goals, I'm making an intense up-front investment time and energy.  I'm not allowing myself to slack off.

But it's not always so simple.

Sunday was fantastic.  I was wildly productive and driven.

Monday, yesterday, was brutal.  I'm not sure exactly why yet, but I was 50% brain-dead all day.  I overslept on two(!) naps and got almost nothing done.

Today is shaping up well, but I'm still tired.  Maybe I'm just hitting growing pains as I go from being a turd to being a professional writer and entrepreneur.

Here's what I'm doing to figure all of this out and remain on track:

1) I'm tracking my sleep again.

I didn't do this for quite a while, allowing little blips here and there to take their course.  I can see now that I need to get back to being more disciplined about keeping my regular nap schedule.  30 minutes every 6 hours.  I know it works, cuz I've worked it before.

2) I'm tracking my progress every day.

I made a Gantt-style Excel sheet, printed it, and hung it above my desk.  It has a timeline of when everything needs to be done, and in what order, to achieve my 3 objectives.

As a reminder, partly to myself, they are:

- Write here and on Simple Challanges every single day without fail.
- Launch advertising for Study Faster Now by, well... yesterday.  Make that today, now.
- Launch one new niche-oriented product by Nov. 19

Everything else is secondary to these goals right now.

Anyway, this is technically yesterday's "daily" update.  I missed a day by a few hours, but I can't take the pressure off - I just need to learn to work with it (for once in my life...).  No excuses.  They make poor currency.

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